
Legal aid lawyers are called upon to represent their clients before the court and to provide legal advice. Over the years, they have developed specific expertise in various areas of law. They are there for you, so don’t hesitate to contact them. The following list of areas of activity is not exhaustive. For more information on the services provided, contact the legal aid office nearest you.

The nature of the services required must comply with the Legal Aid Act and its regulations.

Social law
Our lawyers can help you with questions related to the following:
Social assistance
Occupational accident (CNESST, CLP)
Auto insurance (SAAQ)
Employment insurance
Régie des rentes du Québec (RRQ)
Old age security pension
Crime victims’ compensation (IVAC)
This list is not exhaustive. For more information on our services, please contact us.
Civil law
Our civil lawyers provide a wide range of services.
Régie du logement
Tutorship, curatorship
Homologation of a mandate in case of incapacity
Consumer protection (contracts, loans, purchases, credit cards, car rental)
Opposition to a seizure, bankruptcy
Disability insurance
Mental health (request for custody or care)
This list is not exhaustive. For more information on our services, please contact us.
Family law
Our lawyers have the required expertise to resolve legal problems related to your family situation. We can provide support in a variety of cases, such as:
Child custody
Child support payments
Access arrangements (parents, grandparents, third party)
Common-law relationship (property division)
Recognition or challenge of paternity
Homologation Assistance Service (HAS)
Child support adjustment service (SARPA)
This list is not exhaustive. For more information on our services, please contact us.
Criminal and penal law
Are you charged or going to be charged with a criminal offence? Our lawyers are here for you.
Charged with an indictable offence
Theft, threat, assault, etc.
Break and enter
Drunk driving (impaired driving)
Possession and trafficking of narcotics
Review Board for Mental Disorder (CETM)
This list is not exhaustive. For more information on our services, please contact us.
Youth law
Our lawyers can advise and represent you in court in legal proceedings initiated under the:
Youth Protection Act
Youth Criminal Justice Act
This list is not exhaustive. For more information on our services, please contact us.

On-call service

This service is provided to arrested or detained individuals to allow them to quickly consult a lawyer regarding their rights during arrest. The phone number is posted in the police stations and other custody facilities.

This service is available 24/7.

The law enforcement officers who detain the individual have the obligation to provide the information and means for the detainee to contact this service privately.

During regular business hours, the service is provided by lawyers at the Centre. You may also phone directly to the office nearest the place of arrest.

During evenings, at night, during the weekend and on statutory holidays, the service is provided by lawyers of the Centre communautaire juridique de Montréal who will forward the information gathered to the Centre communautaire juridique de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue shortly.

Telephone: 1 800 842-2213

Homologation assistance service (HAS)

As of October 10, 2013, the Homologation Assistance Service (HAS), that is, the modification of judgment terms in family matters, is provided to all parents, whether they are eligible to legal aid or not.

Who has access to the Homologation Assistance Service?

The Homologation Assistance Service is intended for separated parents who jointly agree to modify judgment terms relative to child custody, child support or child and spousal support (or former spouse) for whatever reason, when they have already obtained a judgment relative to child support or child and spousal support.

The parties chose a lawyer (a permanent aid staff member or a lawyer in private practice) who prepares the documents of their joint application for the agreement to be homologated. The latter is sent by mail to a special clerk of the Superior Court who homologates the agreement, which becomes a judgment of the Superior Court and is then executory. If the judgment anticipates a child support, a copy of the judgment will be sent to the two parties by their lawyer and to Revenu Québec by the clerk.

The individuals must not be financially eligible to legal aid to have access to the HAS. The service is provided to the entire population upon payment of a $637 sum (that is, $470 in professional fees and $167 in legal fees), which is divided equally among the parties. The persons that are financially eligible to gratuitous legal aid have no fees to pay, and those eligible under the contributory scheme pay the lowest amount between the contribution calculated in accordance with the Regulation respecting legal aid or the HAS fee.

For more information

  • On the applicable eligibility requirements
  • On the documents required to open a file
  • On the file’s progress
  • On the service costs

And to find answers to your questions, you may refer to the 'Homologation' tab on the Commission des services juridiques’ website.

Child support adjustment service (SARPA)

Since April 1, 2014, the Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires (SARPA or child support adjustment service) allows parents to recalculate the amount of child support payments for an underage child, using an administrative approach. For more information, you may contact the phone service at 1-855-LeSARPA (1-855-537-2772) or visit the website.

Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants (SARPA) - Logo